Entertainment LLC


4022081800 / 4028132660

Mechanical Bull
1 hour $250
2 hour or more $225/hr
Mechanical Bulls are the perfect addition to any event to entertain a large group. Our mechanical Bulls has safety features not found anywhere else. The bulls have a soft head that will prevent injuries if the rider happens to buck heads with it.
Automatic Shutoff: Our Bulls will automatically shuts down if the rider is thrown off it’s back. This feature is NOT found in many other bulls out there. You don’t want a bull to continue to spin and buck that will potentially hurt a rider. We take pride with our bull machines. They are even safe for kids as well due to their safety features.
Rentals are available from 1 hour and up to suit your needs
Area for setup: large soft play area, including turf, grass, or carpet, or gym floor.
Space needed for setup: 25x25ft
We need 1 hour to set up and 1 hour to breakdown.
Additional Information
Roughly 37 riders per hour depending how long rider stays on without getting bucked off.
Riders Must be at least 4ft+
Riders cannot exceed 300lbs
Riders with pre existing injuries are not encouraged to participate
We have waiver forms for all riders
It is forbidden to ride with keys, mobile phone, glasses, or any sharp or breakable objects
The ground can be:
level or (very small hills can also be used)
Make sure no sharp things on ground when using the inflatables